“Musicians from Ukraine have founded an exile orchestra in Germany. They are now performing classical works at the Berliner Philharmonie,” writes Gaby Reucher in Tuesday’s (5/10) Deutsche Welle (Germany). “The orchestra is called Mriya, the Ukrainian word for ‘dream.’ … It was created in March by Ukrainians who have fled their home country and since then, more than 30 musicians have joined in.” The orchestra, founded by violist Kateryna Suprun, is separate from the Kyiv Symphony musicians currently performing in Europe. “Margaryta Grynyvetska is one of its more recent members. The conductor of the Odesa National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater fled right at the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine…. Backed by funding from the aid organization Alliance4Ukraine, the orchestra … musicians are also collaborating with the Berliner Philharmonie to create work opportunities for professional artists from Ukraine…. The Hamburg-based organization Culture Connects … offers concrete help. Roman Ohem, chairman of the association, … has been involved with musicians even during the Syrian war and [was] a violinist in the Syrian exile orchestra.” A May 10 program in Berlin included music by Mozart, Bach, Valentyn Silvestrov, and Myroslav Skoryk.
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