The Association of Performing Arts Presenters will hold its annual conference in New York City from January 15 to 19. On January 14, APAP will offer a Professional Development Institute: three sessions focusing on international cultural exchange, arts management, and best practices for presenters. Session leaders include Julia Torgovitskaya, president and co-founder of iCadenza, who will present “The Blueprint: What Artists, Agents/Managers and Presenters Want in the 21st Century,” for emerging artist managers. The workshop is designed to help participants develop a personal vision and strategies for success. Other sessions include “Beyond Our Borders,” to help U.S. artists and agent/managers prepare for work in international artistic exchange, and “Fundamentals of Presenting—Abridged and Updated,” for mid-career and seasoned professionals, focusing on examples of best practice combined with an interactive discussion. The Professional Development Institute is open to APAP members and non-members. To learn more and to register for the sessions, visit The discounted registration fee is $100 for APAP and League of American Orchestras members with the code PDI16MD21.
Posted December 9, 2015