An Associated Press report published on Thursday (5/14) states, “Actor Alec Baldwin says he’ll travel to Hanoi with the New York Philharmonic when it makes its Vietnam debut in October. The star of NBC’s Emmy-award winning comedy ‘30 Rock’ begins a side gig this fall as the new host of the national radio broadcast ‘The New York Philharmonic This Week.’ The orchestra will travel to Vietnam for two concerts at the Hanoi Opera House in October. During an appearance Tuesday on ‘The Late Show with David Letterman,’ the actor from Long Island called the hosting job ‘one of the greatest things to ever happen to me.’ He joked that the New York Philharmonic knew where to find him because ‘all of the people who are prominent in classical music come from two locations: Vienna or Massapequa, Long Island.’ ”
Photo: Alec Baldwin with New York Philharmonic Music Director Desgnate Alan Gilbert
Credit: Chris Lee
Posted May 15, 2009