In Thursday’s (5/23) Dorchester Reporter (Massachusetts), Chris Harding writes, “Tomorrow, Friday, May 24, the Boston Landmarks Orchestra (BLO), led by its conductor and music director Christopher Wilkins, will premiere a work it commissioned by Grammy-nominated, Boston-based composer Michael Gandolfi at the Strand Theatre. The free, hour-long concert geared to introduce students in grades 4 to 6 to orchestral music kicks off a series of free concerts in the neighborhoods and at the Hatch Shell. This program titled ‘Gandolfi: A Wizard’s Guide to the Orchestra’ will feature Dot and Mattapan students on stage and in the audience. … Mr. Gandolfi’s new composition, which is for double orchestra, was created through a collaboration between the composer and students from the Conservatory Lab Charter School in Brighton. Students brainstormed with the composer and attended workshops to better understand the composing process. The school’s Dudamel Orchestra, under the direction of Adrian Anantawan, will play the new work alongside the Landmarks Orchestra. Landmarks musicians have been attending rehearsals at the school to help the youngsters become ‘performance ready.’ ”
Posted May 23, 2013