The musicians and board of North Carolina’s Charlotte Symphony Orchestra have ratified a new five-year contract, effective September 30, 2017 and running through 2021. The previous contract expired on August 31. The new agreement includes a nearly 8 percent increase in salary for full-time musicians over the five years and gives the CSO more flexibility in scheduling performances when audiences are most likely to attend: during holidays and on Sundays. The number of working weeks in the season remains at 37. Ellyn Stuart, CSO violinist and chair of the orchestra negotiations committee, said the agreement “provides stability for the musicians while affording our management greater flexibility to bring music to Charlotte in new and innovative ways. We believe the future is bright.” Mary A. Deissler, CSO president and CEO, said, “Our new agreement sets up a great foundation, allowing us to focus on growth and resilience. We are very grateful for our musicians’ support.” Christopher Warren-Green is music director of the Charlotte Symphony, and Chris Teat is chair of the board of directors.
Posted October 12, 2017