“The Charlotte Symphony has hired arts manager David Fisk as president and CEO after a yearlong search,” writes David Boraks on Wednesday (7/8) at radio station WFAE (Charlotte, N.C.). “Fisk has been executive director of the Richmond Symphony in Virginia for 18 years. He starts Aug. 31 and will be working alongside music director Christopher Warren-Green. Fisk replaces Mary Deissler, who left in August 2019…. Born in Britain, the 55-year-old Fisk is a longtime arts manager who also once led the Ulster Orchestra, the national symphony of Northern Ireland.… ‘I think the immediate challenge, of course, is to safely and successfully make it through the remainder of COVID crisis, however long that lasts [and] to think about what opportunities have been created by this crisis that we really have to seize and not miss,’ Fisk said…. The symphony and musicians have been playing remote concerts using video-conference and social media. The question is how to generate revenue, he said…. Fisk also formerly led a chamber orchestra in London, a sculpture park in Yorkshire, England, and an international arts festival in Manchester, England…. He’s a pianist and organist who still performs publicly.”