In Wednesday’s (5/20) Charlotte Observer (North Carolina), Steven Brown reports, “The Charlotte Symphony’s work to overcome its financial troubles became more urgent and more difficult today when the Arts & Science Council cut more than $1 million from its support to the orchestra—and said the orchestra won’t even get the reduced amount unless it delivers a restructuring plan the ASC deems viable. The ASC’s board of directors, acting on a recommendation by a volunteer panel, voted Wednesday to give the orchestra a restricted grant of $900,000 for the 2009-10 season, ASC president Lee Keesler said. … Under Wednesday’s decision, the ASC will give the orchestra a total of $150,000 in July and August, Keesler said. By Aug. 31, the orchestra must show the ASC a plan for a restructuring the orchestra, which has ended each season since 2002-03 with a deficit. Only if the ASC is satisfied with the plan will it hand over the remaining $750,000, Keesler said. ‘I’m very disappointed,’ said Patricia Rodgers, chair of the orchestra’s board. The ASC’s decision ‘means that we have a bigger challenge than we already knew we had, and we have a shorter time to meet that challenge.’ ”
Posted May 21, 2009