CAPTION: The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.

In Thursday’s (5/2) Classic FM (U.K.), Siena Linton writes, “The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) launched its new concert season this week … Alongside the orchestra’s announcement came renewed attention to its recent policy change, which now permits audience members to take photos and short videos at its concerts. The new guidelines gained widespread attention in mid-April after tenor soloist Ian Bostridge … reportedly told the crowd: ‘The lights are shining directly in my eyes. It’s very distracting. Would you please put your phones down.’ According to the CBSO’s website, use of a mobile phone is permitted at their concerts ‘to take photographs and short video clips.’… The decision to allow phones at concerts has received a mixed reaction from concertgoers and classical music professionals. The orchestra’s chief executive, Emma Stenning, told The Times that the move was partly aimed at attracting younger audiences, saying: ‘We can’t expect them to come [under] the old rules.’ Some have taken to social media to decry the decision … Others have pointed out that filming and photographing concerts is considered the cultural norm in other parts of the world, and even help to drive publicity for the organization.”