“Never has the term ‘residency’ been more accurate,” writes Zachary Lewis in Saturday’s (7/23) Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH). “Of all the places in which the Cleveland Orchestra has spent time recently, only the Hough neighborhood, the area around Severance Hall and site of its 2016 Neighborhood Residency, can rightly be called its place of residence…. In performing, teaching, and leading other programs in Hough, in collaboration with the Cleveland Museum of Art, the orchestra is extending its hands to its literal neighbors…. Said violinist Kathleen Collins, leader of a school-age program as part of the residency, most of which takes place July 28-Aug. 28.… ‘We’re trying to open ourselves up and make people realize that we’re accessible, that art and culture are for everybody.’ … Ditto the museum, the orchestra’s first-time partner in the residency project. It, too, is reaching out to its Hough neighbors, bolstering its existing presence in the area by mounting special projects with the orchestra in honor of both its own centennial and the region it aims to serve…. The centerpiece of the residency is a free community concert Thursday, Aug. 11 [led by] associate conductor Brett Mitchell,” with specifics to be announced.
Posted July 26, 2016