“The organization that conducts the prestigious Van Cliburn International Piano Competition has announced its launching a contest for talented teenagers,” reads an unsigned Tuesday (1/28) Associated Press article. “The Cliburn says the first Cliburn International Junior Competition and Festival will be held in June 2015. Thirteen- to 17-year-olds will compete in Fort Worth. Jacques Marquis, Cliburn president and CEO, says the teen competition will allow his organization to ‘establish relationships with the top international talent at an earlier age.’ Twenty-four competitors will be chosen and the winner will receive a $10,000 award. The original competition and its junior version are named for the famed pianist who won the first International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. Cliburn gained worldwide fame and rock-star status with his 1958 victory. Cliburn died in February at age 78 at his Fort Worth home.” Applications and further information will be available at Cliburn.org beginning April 1, 2014, and competitors will be announced to the public on March 20, 2015.
Posted January 30, 2014