Composer-conductor Quinn Mason. Photo by Maddy Ullman.
In Friday’s (1/31) Binghamton Homepage and WIVT (NY), Roy Santa Croce reports, “A young, classical music composer from Dallas is in town to watch the Binghamton Philharmonic perform his work live. Composer Quinn Mason is from Dallas and is spending a week in residency with the Binghamton Philharmonic. As part of his residency, Mason has been touring the community, and speaking with different groups, such as giving a seminar about composition to music majors at Binghamton University. Mason says Binghamton has been performing his pieces for two years now, and the Philharmonic’s director, Daniel Hege, is in constant communication with Mason, to make sure he’s doing the music justice. ‘If the conductor has any questions, if any of the musicians have any questions, the composer is there…. I’ll basically just be here for any questions that need answering, and support they may need, and I’m just listening,’ Mason said. He will be attending the Philharmonic’s matinee tomorrow at the Broome County Forum Theatre starting at 3:30, to hear his own piece titled ‘Petite Symphonie.’ After the concert, you’ll get the opportunity to speak with Mason, and grab a signature.”