“The Benaroya Hall chimes are sounding, and the lights have dimmed: time to return to your seat for the Seattle Symphony concert,” writes Melinda Bargreen in Saturday’s (11/14) Seattle Times. “Except that this season, the concert’s not at Benaroya Hall. Those chimes and chords are in your living room, or in any room—on your smartphone, your smart TV, your tablet or your computer.… This year, the Seattle Symphony has revamped its schedule, creating a subscription-based online streaming platform with high-definition video and high-fidelity audio. Every week, the symphony presents concerts with a smaller, socially distanced orchestra…. The concerts are livestreamed on the initial airing … and then left up for a week afterward…. Is online streaming an equal substitute for live concerts? No, a thousand times no! But … for music lovers, this option offers some surprising joys…. How about seeing the conductor … face-on, rather than always from the back? The cameras frequently zoom in on orchestra musicians … with a detailed view that live performance does not always offer…. The artists are not going to see you sipping your coffee…. They will not know if you stop and restart. You are the boss here, and that’s a startling development.”