The Des Moines Symphony has raised $9,085,930 during its current fundraising campaign, “Orchestrating the Future,” surpassing the $7.5 million goal it had set for its 75th-anniversary year. The news was announced by Music Director and Conductor Joseph Giunta from the stage during the orchestra’s May 11 and 12 concerts at Civic Center in Des Moines. The first comprehensive, public campaign for the orchestra—which began in July 2011 and will continue through June 30, 2013—is designed to expand the endowment to more than $10 million. The expanded endowment will fund two capital projects: design and construction of a new acoustical shell for the orchestra’s performances in the Civic Center, and renovations to performance and rehearsal spaces at the Temple for the Performing Arts, home to the Des Moines Symphony Youth Orchestras and the Symphony Academy, which offers private lessons, group lessons, and workshops for young musicians.
Posted May 20, 2013