“I’m guessing most of you will be enticed to try Apple Music, given there are about 800 million iTunes accounts,” writes Ed Baig in Wednesday’s (7/1) USA Today. “The real question is whether you’ll want to stick around once a 90-day free trial period … expires…. You have to listen and explore a lot longer than that to ultimately determine how well Apple has done putting the music you know you want to hear—and stuff you haven’t discovered yet but will like—front and center…. Upon signing up, your first step is to tap on circles representing musical genres (Classic Rock, Hip-Hop, Classical, etc.). Tap once on a genre you like, twice on one you love. Next you do the same for favorite artists. Apple uses your selections … to recommend playlists and albums…. Having indicated an interest in classical music, I found myself connected to the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra where conductor Sir Simon Rattle in a video discussed streaming classical music. For all its promise, the Connect area seems pretty thin at the outset. The streaming-music market is competitive and fragmented, so the onus is on Apple to explain how it’s different.”
Posted July 1, 2015