In Wednesday’s (7/29) Orlando Sentinel , Mark Schlueb reports, “The proposed performing arts center planned for downtown Orlando will almost certainly be built a piece at a time, a fall-back plan that reflects the stranglehold the recession has put on the city’s $1.1 billion plan for new community venues. City officials said Tuesday that unless a new funding source is discovered in the coming months, there won’t be enough money available to build the $425 million Dr. P. Phillips Orlando Performing Arts Center in one swoop. … It’s not yet clear exactly how the design will accommodate multiple phases. The plan calls for three performance halls—seating 2,800, 1,700 and 300—under one roof. A phased construction could mean opening just one or two halls, or delaying completion of educational classrooms. The design of the center is under way, with a goal of creating a building that can be completed in stages. Mayor Buddy Dyer said the first phase will have to be one the city and arts center donors—who are supposed to contribute $135 million of the financing—can afford.” The center will be home to the Orlando Philharmonic among other tenants.
Posted July 30, 2009