In Wednesday’s (2/25) Press-Telegram (Long Beach, California), Al Rudis reports, “The Long Beach Symphony Orchestra will operate without an executive director for the short term following the resignation Tuesday of Nancy James Fox after only five months in the position. Fox explained that she is leaving because she wants more time to herself. She said she had reservations when Bob Stemler, the chairman of the search committee, invited her to apply last year. ‘I had two long stints—22 years and seven years—a total of 29 years of doing something like this on a full-time basis, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it again,’ she said in a phone interview Tuesday. … The symphony is taking a wait-and-see approach to a successor. ‘We’re not going to re-ignite the executive director search right now,’ said Roger Goulette, chairman of the symphony association board. … ‘Randy Mizer, who is a former president of the association, has agreed to step in on a temporary interim basis to help manage the business,’ said Goulette. ‘He is not an interim executive director. He is doing it as a volunteer for now.’ ”
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