“Marietta-based Georgia Symphony Orchestra has entered a partnership with Girls Who Conduct to launch a fellowship program for women conductors,” writes Larry Felton Johnson in Thursday’s (7/15) Cobb County Courier (GA). “ ‘The women’s conductor fellowship program is a tribute to Betty Shipman Bennett, the GSO’s first conductor, who led the orchestra from 1955 to 1990,’ said GSO Music Director … Timothy Verville. ‘Betty was a trailblazer in the world of symphonic music, when women conductors were a rarity.’ … According to the press release … ‘Up to six fellows will be selected [for] the program, which will take place throughout the GSO’s full 2021-22 orchestra season. Participants will observe GSO rehearsals, participate in conducting workshops, receive mentorship by GWC members and GSO’s music staff, and engage with GSO education and outreach programs.’ … Girls Who Conduct is an initiative created in 2020…. co-founder Chaowen Ting said the aim of her organization is to work with aspiring women conductors from all backgrounds and with different experiences, including candidates from minority ethnic communities and those with disabilities, who currently are underrepresented in the field of classical music. Ting is an associate professor of music and director of orchestral studies at Georgia Tech.”
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