“Following the smashing debut of its virtual ‘Hallelujah Chorus,’ the Grand Rapids Symphony released a second full-orchestra performance today,” a video of its musicians performing Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, writes Zac Harmon on Friday (5/8) at Fox 17 TV station (West Michigan). “Music Director Marcelo Lehninger [said], ‘because we’re approaching Mother’s Day, we thought it would be a nice thing to send a love message to all moms out there, some of them, they’re alone.’ … Members of the orchestra had to prepare and play at home…. Lehninger decided to honor his mother by having her join the orchestra on the piano. Sônia Goulart is an internationally awarded pianist from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She previously joined the symphony in person in 2019, and had planned to be in Grand Rapids to celebrate Mother’s Day. Instead, she played the piano in her apartment in Brazil…. The final video took more than 100 hours … to put together.… In the symphony’s ‘From Our Home to Yours’ series … so far, 39 videos have been uploaded to the symphony’s social media pages. As for whether we can expect another performance by the full orchestra, Lehninger says, ‘Yes. We have plans. Stay tuned.’ ”