“This fall, Jessica Satava will take over as the executive director of the Greenville Symphony Orchestra, a natural culmination for someone whose life has been driven by and for music,” writes Evan Peter Smith in Wednesday’s (7/6) Greenville Journal (SC). “The appointment of Satava to the position, effective September 1, was the result of an extensive nationwide search on behalf of the symphony’s board of directors and comes as the symphony is celebrating its 75th year in Greenville…. Satava most recently served as the executive director of the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra in Pennsylvania and previously served at the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University and the Aspen Music Festival and School…. Her goal in the new position when she begins in the Fall is to continue building partnerships and collaboration with local businesses, arts organizations and other community-oriented groups, especially those geared toward the younger generation. ‘When we’re teaching kids about music and giving them meaningful experiences to engage with music, we’re making them better citizens for our community,’ Satava said. ‘Providing strong music education for Greenville’s youth is one of the best things we can do to support the community at large.’ ”
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