“Over the long months of the Hartford Symphony Orchestra contract dispute with its players, two questions, among many others, have been heard with regularity,” writes Steve Metcalf on Friday (1/15) at Connecticut’s WNPR. “One: would other members of the HSO staff or administration be willing to take pay cuts—as the musicians are being asked to do—in order to help close the budget gap and thus demonstrate ‘shared sacrifice?’ Two: would Music Director Carolyn Kuan at some point be moved to weigh in on the impasse? Friday morning … Kuan publicly issued a statement in which she emphasized her belief in the orchestra’s value to the community, and, more dramatically, declared her intention to reduce her salary ‘commensurately’ with the players’ reduction. At Thursday night’s negotiation session, management reportedly made its ‘best and final’ offer.” Excerpts from Kuan’s statement: “I want to personally recognize the substantial cuts being asked of the musicians of the HSO and offer publicly to share their sacrifice by reducing my salary commensurately.… I am hopeful that making this gesture public might help, in a small way, to resolve the present crisis. I truly love this orchestra and this community, and hope all of us … can now come together to help, and find a fair and workable solution.”

Posted January 15, 2016