“The Hartford Symphony Orchestra board approved a budget this week that musicians say could lead to a cut their wages of as much as 40 percent,” writes Matt Pilon in Friday’s (6/19) Hartford Business Journal (Connecticut). “The 47-member HSO board has 10 seats held by musicians, all of whom voted against the proposal Wednesday, according to Local 400 of the American Federation of Musicians. Long-time HSO violinist and union negotiating committee member Michael Pollard said Friday that the budget … indicates that HSO intends to push ahead with a proposal to keep its pay rates flat for another three years for the 33 members of its core orchestra, while reducing the number of guaranteed events for which they are paid from 180 to 115. Management has also proposed in contract negotiation that 22 ‘basic orchestra’ members be available for more daytime events, which the union said will interfere with their other jobs, often as music teachers.” In a written statement, HSO Board Chair James Remis said, “We remain optimistic that our differences at the negotiating table will be amicably resolved over the coming weeks, be we remain firm in our commitment to making the changes necessary to assure the long-term future of the Hartford Symphony.”   

Posted June 22, 2015