“Citizens of the United Kingdom voted in a referendum by a margin of 52% to 48% to sever ties with the European Union,” writes Ricky O’Bannon on Thursday (6/30) in the “BSO Stories” section of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s website. “Endless financial and political experts have speculated on just what exactly happens next. Like every industry in Europe and the UK, classical music has embraced and come to rely on the free movement and open borders of the EU structure.… For that reason, the [negative] response from classical institutions over the prospect of limited access to musicians or cumbersome travel regulations has been deafening and near-unanimous.… In reality, no one yet knows just what new normal classical musicians, conservatories or publishing firms will operate under in a post-Brexit world. With the numerous trade and travel agreements that exist under the current model set to expire, they will be replaced by something.… The added expense of work visas, or more likely, the added expense of the staff time required to complete that process could put added strain on cash-strapped ensembles and limit just how many foreign musicians they want to take on.… Like with all things Brexit, it’s too early to tell.”
Posted July 6, 2016