“The People’s Symphony Concerts has long been known for the rare combination of bargain-basement ticket prices and high-quality performances,” writes Nicholas Beard in Tuesday’s (11/10) Musical America (subscription required). “Founded in 1900, managed by Frank Solomon for the last half-century or so, PSC like the rest of the presenting world was hit mid-season by Covid-19 last March and forced to move its concerts online. The new, 120th, season launches November 15 with a virtual performance by the outgoing and incoming resident artists. The latter, having recently signed a three-year agreement, is pianist Shai Wosner; the former, having come to the end of their contract, is the Dover Quartet…. Wosner, who has performed with most major orchestras as a soloist, from the Vienna Philharmonic to the Philadelphia Orchestra, will as resident artist be obligated to a minimum of two concerts a season, as well as a number of educational and outreach activities…. Wosner said, ‘This quintessential NYC institution has been there through the Spanish flu and two World Wars, and I love everything it has stood for and can’t wait to be part of it … to make music accessible to New Yorkers from all walks of life.’ ”
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