From left: Alberta Douglas, Veronica Jurkiewicz, Ashley Vines, John Koen, and Christine Mello, some of the string musicians who will play two vigils in Philadelphia for Elijah McClain, a Black amateur violinist who died from a chokehold used by police last August. Photo by Alejandro Alvarez

“A group of local string players is planning two candlelight vigils—one Wednesday at Malcolm X Park in West Philadelphia, and another July 19 on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art” in memory of Elijah McClain, a young Black amateur violinist who was killed by police in Aurora, Colorado in 2019, writes Peter Dobrin in Sunday’s (7/12) Philadelphia Inquirer. “McClain’s fate has especially drawn the attention of musicians.… The music chosen for the candlelight vigils has significance. Lyric for Strings is by George Walker, whose 1996 Pulitzer Prize for music was the first to be awarded to a Black composer…. The string ensemble for the vigils … includes Philadelphia Orchestra cellist John Koen as well as area teachers and emerging artists…. Other works are being considered, like ‘We Shall Overcome’ and ‘Amazing Grace,’ and members of the community are invited to bring their instruments for an improv session…. The two vigils are also intended to honor Mouhamed Cisse, an 18-year-old Philadelphia cellist and drummer fatally shot by an unknown assailant June 1 in West Philadelphia in a case that’s under investigation.” Violin vigils for McClain have recently taken place in Aurora, Colorado; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Boston, Mass.