“In 2009 nine eager, young African-American musicians kick-started the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles, which has helped transform lives and dispel stereotypes,” reports May Lee on Wednesday (8/3) at CCTV America (the American division of China Central Television). “Over the years, the Inner City Youth Orchestra has become more diverse in an effort to represent the true makeup of Los Angeles. ‘We try to let this orchestra and what we do express the greater issues of what’s going on in this country not just music, not just orchestral music, not just African Americanism, but the wide spectrum of what music can do to bring people together,’ Charles Dickerson, the Founder & Conductor of ICYOLA said. Thirteen-year-old Chinese-American Ginger Vieth joined the orchestra earlier this year, thanks to her mother Mei [who] emigrated from China to the U.S. in 1998 with $300 in her pocket…. Her drive is fueled by her struggles growing up as a Korean in China…. Mei believes … strongly in inclusiveness and giving back. The Inner City Youth Orchestra is one way for her and her daughter to do just that.” A video version of the story is included.
Posted August 4, 2016