“Young Iranian musician Reza Kahrizi has recently established a new orchestra named the Tonik Orchestra, which will give its debut performances at Tehran’s Rudaki Hall on June 22 and 23,” reads an unsigned item in Monday’s (6/15) Tehran Times (Iran). “In a press conference held at Vahdat Hall on Saturday, Loris Tjeknavorian”—an Armenian-Iranian composer and conductor—“talked about the reason behind his support of the orchestra and his attendance at the conference, Persian media reported on Sunday. ‘This is our duty to support the young musicians. I too was once a young musician who was hopeful for the future, and of course my masters supported me in those days,’ Tjeknavorian said…. ‘Reza Kahrizi is a young talented musician who has decided to establish the Tonik Orchestra to help promote art, culture and music of the country, so it is our responsibility to open the path for the youth and help them do their job in the best way possible.’ …The orchestra … began with 18 musicians in February 2015 and has reached 50 musicians today.”

Posted June 17, 2015