“The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will take its show on the road this month, performing free concerts in Athens, Maryville, and Morristown,” reads an unsigned article in Monday’s (5/10) WBIR-TV (Knoxville, TN). “The shows will be the KSO’s first fully public performances since March 2020 and will feature the KSO brass and percussion sections. The playlist will include familiar selections such as Gustav Holst’s ‘Mars’ from The Planets, Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ and American classics like ‘When the Saints.’ ‘The KSO strives to serve the entire East Tennessee region with live orchestral performances,’ said Jennifer Harrell, the KSO Director of Education and Community Partnerships. ‘We have missed visiting communities with whom we have established partnerships. We are looking forward to these outdoor performances of live music and especially excited to feature our brass and percussion musicians of the KSO!’ No tickets are required for the free performances. Social distancing and mask are encouraged.” Concerts are scheduled for Theatre in the Park in Maryville (May 15), Athens Market Pavilion (May 16), and Citizen Tribune/Jefferson Federal Amphitheatre at Cherokee Park in Morristown (May 22).
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