We provide the highest caliber inclusive educational experience for pre-professional musicians, connecting them with preeminent performance faculty as they prepare to launch rewarding careers. We simultaneously provide vibrant concerts celebrating legacy, contemporary, and underrepresented classical music.
Festival Artistic Direction: Susan Grace
Festival Conductors: Scott Yoo
Festival Artists: Michael Kroth, bassoon; Mark Kosower, Bion Tsang, David Ying, cello; Laura Ardan, Jon Manasse, clarinet; Susan Cahill, double bass; Alice Dade, Elizabeth Mann, flute; Michael Thornton, horn; Robert Walters, oboe; Steven Beck, Susan Grace, John Novacek, Bill Wolfram, piano; John Rojak, trombone; Kevin Cobb, trumpet; Toby Appel, Virginia Barron, Phillip Ying, viola; Steven Copes, Mark Fewer, Laura Frautschi, Stefan Hersh, Ayano Ninomiya, Stephen Rose, Andrew Wan, Scott Yoo, violin