In Monday’s (5/18) Commercial Appeal (Memphis), Jon W. Sparks writes, “Memphis is a hotbed of invention in the blues and indie rock, but it’s a relatively rare event when an emerging classical composer can have his or her symphonic work performed here. But four such musicians will gain that visibility by having their scores performed by the Memphis Symphony Orchestra this week. These music readings are part of an innovative collaboration between the MSO and EarShot, a contemporary music partnership involving the American Composers Orchestra, American Composers Forum, American Music Center, Meet the Composer and the League of American Orchestras. … The composers were selected from more than 100 submissions nationwide.” Composers and their works include Jean Ahn for Salt; Christian Baldini, Elapsing Twilight; Patricio Da Silva, Three Pieces for Orchestra; and Andreia Pinto Correia, Acanto. “Melinda Wagner will lead a group of mentor composers to provide feedback. Wagner, from New Jersey, won the Pulitzer Prize in Music in 1999 for her Concerto for Flute, Strings and Percussion.”
Posted May 19, 2009