“A wildly innovative venture kicking off in Miami on Dec. 12 upends … traditional parameters,” writes Jordan Levin in Monday’s (12/5) Miami Herald. “For Project 305, people across Miami will be invited to submit sounds and images that will become part of an ambitious multimedia orchestral portrait of the city to premiere in October 2017. This ‘city symphony,’ announced this week, is a collaboration between the New World Symphony, the renowned tech innovation center MIT Media Lab and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, which has given $350,000 to fund it. Composer Tod Machover … came up with the concept after the Toronto Symphony asked him to compose something for a 2013 festival…. Machover has done city symphonies in Detroit and Akron, Ohio, with Philadelphia to follow Miami…. Project 305 kicks off at NWS’ New World Center the morning of Dec. 12 with an open forum.… People will be able to submit material from Jan. 31 to May 12…. Although Machover will oversee the project, the artists who will shape the work will be … composer Ted Hearne … and Miami-raised filmmaker Jonathan David Kane.… NWS artistic director Michael Tilson Thomas will be the overall artistic director.”
Posted December 8, 2016