In Sunday’s (6/21) Miami Herald, Daniel Chang writes, “Miami Symphony Orchestra sees an opening in South Florida’s shifting classical music scene: arts groups that are struggling with uneven ticket sales and diminished donations are canceling concerts, paring down performances, and filing for bankruptcy.” The orchestra “has launched an aggressive expansion—recruiting a new slate of board members, targeting a budget growth of 50 percent and increasing the number of concerts from this year’s 10 to 16 next season. … [Conductor Eduardo] Marturet is certain that now is the time to grow, despite the financial crises that have beset arts groups and their benefactors. … Marturet took over musical direction of the orchestra after its founder Manuel Ochoa died in 2006. And he has been a change agent ever since: adopting a more rigorous musical repertoire, in part to weed out unfit musicians; taking the symphony to the recording studio for its first album, and evangelizing to the board of directors on the need for greater financial investment and broader representation in its ranks.”
Posted June 22, 2009