“On Dec. 5, the Springfield Symphony Orchestra will present ‘Christmas Cookies,’ a musical menu of pop concert sweets that includes ‘Silent Night’ and ‘Winter Wonderland,’ ” writes Catherine Burton in Thursday’s (11/26) Missourian (Columbia, MO). “On Jan. 9 … a performance called ‘Smorgasbord’ will include Edvard Grieg’s Piano Concerto, Brahms’ Symphony No. 2, and Debussy’s ‘Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun’ … [performed] at both 2 and 7 p.m. in the Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts. The 2 p.m. concert time was added so audience members can be spread out in two shows for safety reasons. Comfort food is the orchestra’s theme for the season…. ‘It’s just comfortable to have a huge spread of food,’ Music Director Kyle Wiley Pickett said…. Related concerts have been called ‘Spaghetti and Meatballs,’ an evening of Italian favorites … and ‘Beethoven’s Birthday Cake’ … with … the ‘Egmont Overture’ and Symphony No. 7. On Jan. 30, ‘Hot Buttered Popcorn’ will include silver screen favorites from ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ ‘Doctor Zhivago’ and ‘South Pacific.’ … Guests can also watch the ‘Smorgasbord’ livestreaming concert in their homes. The orchestra has been following safety protocols, which has decreased the number of musicians by about 20.”
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