“Much has changed at Cleveland Orchestra Miami since its inception. One figure, however, has remained constant, and now she’s been named managing director,” writes Zachary Lewis in Wednesday’s (6/10) Plain Dealer (Cleveland). “Montserrat Balseiro, hired in 2007 as administrative assistant, has just been appointed head of the orchestra’s Florida residency. In that capacity, she replaces Holly Hudak, who vacated the position last December, leaving Balseiro to serve since then as interim manager…. ‘The power and impact of great orchestral music for adults and young people is so important to my hometown,’ said Balseiro … a native of Miami…. She has been key to the orchestra’s growing success in South Florida, serving first as administrative assistant in 2007 and gradually taking on heavier responsibilities over ensuing years. In her new position, Balseiro will oversee all aspects of the orchestra’s nearly 10-year residency in South Florida, providing artistic, financial and organizational direction. She also will serve on the management team of the larger institution and aid the Miami Music Association, the nonprofit presenter of the orchestra in Florida.”

Posted June 12, 2015