For its 50th anniversary this year, the National Endowment for the Arts is collecting stories on how the arts have helped shape or change the lives of people and their communities. The agency asks for personal narratives about “how the arts have inspired you to do something unique, how they have made a difference among you and your family, as well as in the communities and neighborhoods in which you live.” Starting September 29—the date the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965 was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson—the NEA will begin posting stories on its website. (The NEA will determine which stories, photos, audio/video will be included and may edit text as necessary.) Submissions may be in the form of a narrative, photos, and/or video or audio. Click here to learn more, submit a story, and watch a video message from NEA Chairman Jane Chu. To read about NEA grants to orchestras, click here. To see some of the ways that orchestras are affecting and serving their communities, visit the League’s online Story Bank.

Posted May 21, 2015