In Wednesday’s (2/25) Reno Gazette-Journal (Nevada), Forrest Hartman writes, “In late January, Nevada Opera officials announced that the 41-year-old company was on the verge of collapse and would close if it didn’t raise $100,000 in just four weeks. Now, the message is more upbeat. The group surpassed its $100,000 goal, meeting the requirements for a $50,000 challenge donation and will produce ‘La Boheme’ in April. Opera board president Randi Thompson said the group has $165,000 and received pledges for about $20,000 more. … The $165,000 has not erased all debt but allows the company to move forward with performances of ‘La Boheme’ in April, she said. … The company benefited from several large donations, including the $50,000 matching pledge, but Thompson and Nevada Opera executive assistant Janet Brown said most of the money came in relatively small donations.”
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