On Wednesday’s (3/11) Musical America.com, Susan Elliott writes about a new classical music magazine. “ArkivMusic, the online classical music CD store founded seven years ago, is launching a new, print-only magazine, Listen: Life with Classical Music. ‘One of the reasons we are able to launch a magazine is that we already have a very large data base of people who are interested in classical music,’ explains Eric Feidner, president and co-founder with his brother Jon of ArkivMusic and publisher of Listen. … the company has sold classical CDs to 250,000 individuals … Perhaps it stands to reason that, if ArkivMusic customers still buy CDs, rather than download recordings from the web, they still prefer print to the web. … Indeed, apart from such specialty publications as Opera News, Symphony, and Chamber Music, there really aren’t any American print periodicals that specifically cover classical music. … The target audience for Listen is not so much aficionados as people for whom classical music is simply a part of their lives. Arkiv calls it ‘a lifestyle magazine for classical music.’ ” The glossy bimonthly is edited by Ben Finane, managing editor for Classic Arts at Playbill.
Posted March 13, 2009