Musicians from the New Haven Symphony Orchestra will perform at Canal Dock Boathouse in New Haven.

“New Haven Symphony Orchestra musicians will gather in person to make music Oct. 17 and 24 for the first time since the pandemic shut down the previous season in March,” writes Joe Amarante in Friday’s (10/9) New Haven Register (CT). “NHSO musicians will perform in small, socially distant ensembles at the Canal Dock Boathouse on Long Wharf Drive in New Haven…. The first 2 p.m. concert will feature a percussion duo and string trio, and the second one Oct. 24 will feature the symphony’s brass quintet. The two varied programs will include … pieces by Bach, Bernstein, Gershwin, Debussy, Sousa and Fats Waller. The performances will be outdoors on the facility’s extensive patio facing the water…. As for any other coming events, NHSO Marketing Director Katie Bonner Russo said in an email, ‘We are continuing to look at live performance options through the end of the year. The rules around indoor gatherings are constantly shifting sands so a lot of our focus continues to be on virtual and/or hybrid performances. We are also putting a lot of our energy and resources into our education offerings…. We are hoping to announce some of this new virtual/hybrid content for students soon.’ ”