In Sunday’s (5/17) Columbus Dispatch (Ohio), Jeffrey Sheban writes, “Nine guest conductors will lead the Columbus Symphony in its 2009-10 classical season, with the hope that one will emerge as the successor to Music Director Junichi Hirokami. Eight men and one woman will guide the orchestra during the 12-concert, 24-performance series—Oct. 9 through May 9—in the Ohio Theatre. Three concerts will be conducted by Gunther Herbig, a frequent guest who isn’t a candidate for the permanent position. … The candidates: Andreas Delfs, Delta David Gier, George Manahan, Edwin Outwater, Alondra de la Parra, Stefan Sanderling, Christopher Seaman, and Jean-Marie Zeitouni. Their backgrounds are varied, with native lands that include Canada, Mexico, Britain, and Germany. They come from big cities (New York) and small burgs (Sioux Falls, S.D.). … Each candidate will spend at least a week in town, meeting with board members and the 12-member search committee, and rehearsing and performing with the orchestra.”
Posted May 18, 2009