The Oakland Symphony has launched Hall Pass, which will provide free concert tickets to families, children, and adults who have not been able to engage regularly with the orchestra, beginning with its December 16 “Swing and Soul—Let Us Break Bread Together” program. People receiving financial assistance from the State of California as well as active, guard, and reserve military households are eligible to participate. Hall Pass eligibility is determined by Alameda County Social Services in conjunction with Alameda County organizations providing services to individuals and families receiving state assistance. The program is modeled after the Grand Rapids Symphony’s “Symphony Scorecard” program, which for three years has provided more than 8,000 free tickets to low-income and military households. Among the Oakland Symphony’s partners are United Services Organization, Inc., Oakland Unified School District, Unity Council, Alameda County Independent Living Program, American Indian Child Resource Center, Brothers on the Rise, Order of Malta Clinic, and Oakland District 2. Hall Pass is made possible by the Wallace Foundation. More information is available at
Posted December 4, 2018