On Tuesday (7/23), The Hill, the Washington, D.C.-based journal that covers Congress, published an opinion piece by Tim Delaney, president and CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits: “If the states serve as our policy laboratories, then the lab results are demonstrating conclusively what’s in the best interest of local communities. The results from red, blue and purple states are unmistakable: Charitable giving incentives deserve a permanent place in every reformed tax code. This year, state legislatures from across the country looked at their tax codes with an eye toward raising revenues, lowering rates, streamlining their tax codes, or some/all of the above.… Virtually every state has concluded that the support that charitable nonprofits provide to their communities, made possible by charitable donations, is too important to risk limiting the tax incentives.… The resounding show of support for the work of charitable nonprofits in red, blue, and purple states has occurred because policymakers are all coming to the same conclusion: that nonprofit organizations, supported by charitable contributions, are touching the lives of constituents in meaningful ways.… As Congress considers tax reform, it is more important than ever to understand the role of the charitable giving incentive as a lifeline for communities and maintain the incentives for giving that work.”
Posted July 24, 2013