In Thursday’s (7/23) Sacramento Bee , Edward Ortiz writes, “In his second meeting in as many months with leaders in Sacramento‘s arts community, Mayor Kevin Johnson laid out an initiative to boost the arts and attract more film productions to the city. In an hourlong meeting Wednesday at Sacramento’s Verge Gallery, Johnson revealed plans for monthly arts meetings, the creation of five subcommittees, and his intention to raise $100,000 to fund the initiative’s first year. He reserved an emphasis, however, for his desire to have Sacramento host more film crews. The meeting encouraged many in the arts community, who said they believe the arts are now a major concern at City Hall. Others said the mayor’s fledgling initiative, dubbed ‘For Art’s Sake,’ lacks specifics. They cautioned that bringing more film production to Sacramento does not address concerns facing the local arts community. … The facilities issue, especially the lack of a viable concert hall in the city, is a vexing one. The city lacks a suitable performance hall that seats 700 to 1,000 for events such as opera and symphonic music.”
Posted July 27, 2009