“The Santa Rosa Symphony in collaboration with the Eugene Symphony in Oregon—both under the leadership of Music Director Francesco Lecce-Chong (in photo)—are embarking on an ambitious, four-year commissioning project with four, young American composers,” writes Diane Peterson in Monday’s (2/11) Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, CA). “The First Symphony Project will launch in the fall of 2019 during Lecce-Chong’s first full season as the conductor of the Santa Rosa Symphony. Over the course of four years, each composer will have a short work performed in the fall by both orchestras, then return in the spring for the world premiere of their first-ever symphonic work…. The project is being co-commissioned by both regional orchestras plus nine patron families…. Lecce-Chong selected two male and two female composers for the project—Matt Browne, based in New York City; Gabriella Smith, based in the San Francisco Bay Area; Puerto Rican-born Angélica Negron, based in Brooklyn; and Michael Djupstrom, based in Philadelphia.” Alan Silow, president and CEO of the Santa Rosa Symphony, said, “It’s very community based, because Francesco wanted it to be commissioned by local patrons … and he’s one of the donors, which is rare and admirable.”
Posted February 12, 2019