Florida’s Sarasota Orchestra has launched a virtual program called “Books of Note,” a conversation and readings series that explores two collections of literature, one curated by Artistic Advisor Jeffrey Kahane and the other selected by Sarasota Orchestra musicians. In “Classical Music in America,” Kahane will examine America’s authentic musical identity in podcasts to be released the third Tuesday of every month; the November 17 podcast will focus on Jonathan Rosenberg’s Dangerous Melodies and Joseph Horowitz’s Classical Music in America. Later podcasts will include discussions of Leonie Rosenstiel’s Nadia Boulanger: A Life in Music, Nancy Reich’s Clara Schumann: The Artist and the Woman, Josef Škvorecký’s Dvořák in Love, and Anita Lasker-Wallfisch’s Inherit the Truth. In “Books that Move Us,” Sarasota Orchestra musicians will lead a reading and conversation series centering on books that have had a transformative impact on their lives; virtual discussions will be available for patrons to engage with orchestra musicians on the first Monday of every month from December through May. The first event in this series will take place on December 7 and feature Sarasota Orchestra violinist Mia Laity in a discussion of Harumi Murakami’s Absolutely on Music: Conversations with Seiji Ozawa. Learn more at https://www.sarasotaorchestra.org/books-of-note?feature.
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