In Thursday’s (5/28) Seattle Times, Nicole Tsong writes, “The Bellevue Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2008-2009 season has been marked by canceled concerts, a drop in donations and internal strife between management and musicians. … But in February, the orchestra’s executive director, who had been controversial among the musicians, gave notice after a year with the group. The orchestra announced an interim leader last week. And earlier this month, the orchestra got a much-needed financial boost when the Bellevue City Council stepped in, voting to give the orchestra up to $35,000 to help fund the annual Fourth of July concert. … The orchestra and its board still face plenty of challenges. Dan Mayer, the interim executive director and also the managing director of the Kirkland Performing Arts Center [North of Bellevue], will plan next season with a budget that has been cut by $100,000, and with musicians who have agreed to play for not much more than minimum wage. The orchestra also must find a new conductor when Fusao Kajima’s contract is up this summer, hire a permanent executive director and regain the confidence of donors.”
Posted May 28, 2009