Sally Yu leads the Spokane Symphony Orchestra during the orchestra’s workshops for conductors. Photo by Danny Cordero.
“ ‘One of my absolutely least favorite words is “maestro,” which I think really says that somebody has all the answers, that they are all-powerful,’ [conductor James] Lowe says. ‘And conducting is not like that,’ ” reports Brandon Hollingsworth in Saturday’s (4/8) Spokane Public Radio. “Lowe, the conductor of the Spokane Symphony Orchestra, says the role of a successful conductor has changed for the better…. ‘Now a conductor’s job is much more about inspiring a good orchestra to play even better.’ That is the core message Lowe and fellow conductor Jim Ross wanted to send when the Spokane Symphony welcomed 14 aspiring conductors who want to be part of the future of orchestral leadership. In a weeklong workshop held at the end of March, the conductors—representing ten states and British Columbia—worked on their skills and techniques…. The workshop has meaning beyond the 14 conductors … It is part of the Spokane Symphony’s efforts to broaden its role in the musical and physical communities. Lowe says the days in which an orchestra existed simply to produce its own concerts are over. ‘The symphony orchestras in America that are thriving are the ones where they are community organizations that happen to organize concerts,’ Lowe says.’ ”