In Sunday’s (3/10) Columbus Dispatch, Michael Grossberg writes, “During the past 10 years, the Columbus Association for the Performing Arts has gradually taken over most administrative duties of nine central Ohio arts groups. Early on, when such outsourced management was more the exception than the rule, some area arts leaders quietly feared that CAPA would acquire an ‘octopuslike’ hold on the city’s arts and culture. A decade later, such fears have proved unfounded, they say, as the administrative arrangement—with its added efficiency and lower overall costs—has benefited each group individually as well as the collective whole. … When CAPA took over the administrative responsibilities of the Columbus Symphony in 2010, the orchestra saved an initial $500,000, mostly through staff reductions.… In Dallas—where, coincidentally, [CAPA President Bill] Conner spoke in June at the annual conference of the League of American Orchestras—discussions are under way to develop a CAPA-like program of shared services. ‘There’s no question we ought to look at Columbus and figure out what elements of that model might work in our community,’ said Blaine Nelson, chairman of the board for the Dallas Symphony. Judith Kurnick, vice president for strategic communications for the nonprofit League of American Orchestras, called the Columbus model ‘pioneering’ and ‘visionary.’ ”
Posted March 11, 2013