“The Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra Board of Directors and management announced Tuesday that they have reached a tentative collective bargaining agreement with the Kalamazoo Federation of Musicians-Local 228,” writes Al Jones in Tuesday’s (8/9) Kalamazoo Gazette (Michigan). “The union is expected to submit the tentative contract soon to its membership for ratification. The union represents the up to 84 musicians who are contracted to perform with the KSO. If ratified by the musicians, the KSO management will submit the contract back to its board of directors for ratification as well. Instrumental in reaching the tentative agreement was the rehearsal schedule for the KSO’s Symphonic Series concerts; one evening rehearsal per day instead of two rehearsals…. The last full agreement between Local 228 and the KSO expired on Aug. 31, 2014…. The KSO opens its 2016-17 season on Sept. 16 at Miller Auditorium on Western Michigan University’s campus. The orchestra will perform the Mathis der Maler Symphony by Hindemith and excerpts from ‘Spirits’ (1993) by [Michael] Schelle…. KSO musicians will be joined by internationally renowned pianist Yefim Bronfman for Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No.2 in G Major … [for] the official inauguration of the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra’s new Steinway & Sons concert grand piano.”
Posted August 10, 2016