Applications for Round 2 of the League’s Getty Grants are now open!
The League, supported by the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, is pleased to announce Round 2 of the Getty Education and Community Investment Grants. These one-year grants, ranging from $10,000 to $40,000, will be awarded to orchestras for activities in fiscal year 2014. This is a new funding cycle; all orchestras meeting the guidelines are encouraged to apply.
The Getty Grants will invest in:
• enhancing and deepening established programs that have been in place for three or more years and have demonstrated measurable success; or
• planning, developing, and implementing innovative new initiatives that strengthen community ties and respond to community needs.
Please review the application guidelines and then complete the pre-application, due August 15. Orchestras will hear back by September 15, and for those orchestras invited to move to the full application phase, final applications will be due October 15.
Posted August 1, 2013