“Dozens of children will join [a fictional] detective agency on Saturday when Lincoln Center presents the first installment of Meet Me at the Fountain, a series of immersive theatrical experiences for families,” writes Laurel Graeber in Thursday’s (4/28) New York Times. “ ‘We came up with this concept of what if there were this underground organization that protects Lincoln Center,’ said Jonathan Shmidt Chapman, the associate director of programming and production for Lincoln Center Education, a branch that develops school and community events.… Scooby-Doo, the Hardy Boys, film noir and old radio serials all influenced the conceit, which Mr. Chapman developed with Drew Petersen, associate artistic director of Trusty Sidekick Theater Company.… The half-hour adventure will be offered 10 times daily, on Saturday and in May, for up to 14 people per session. Five actors take part.… The series is part of LC Kids, a year-old initiative to lure more families. ‘Dropped in throughout are these sprinkles of cultural literacy,’ Mr. Petersen said, like references to Balanchine, Martha Graham and opera. ‘The idea is that the Eyes of the Fountain Agency is really passionate about art.’ If the program succeeds, its young detectives will become passionate, too.”
Posted April 29, 2016