“Classical music fans in the Mountain State might have to wait a little longer until their next symphony at Charleston’s Clay Center,” writes Bill Lynch in Wednesday’s (8/26) Charleston Gazette-Mail (Charleston, WV). “The West Virginia Symphony Orchestra has canceled the first half of its 2020-21 season because of safety concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic…. It had been scheduled to return Oct. 3. The half-season cancellation is five shows—three symphonic and two pops concerts. The dates of those shows were Oct. 3, Oct. 17, Nov. 14, Dec. 5 and Jan. 9, 2021. The WVSO’s annual collaboration with Charleston Ballet for its holiday performance of ‘The Nutcracker’ also is canceled…. The WVSO said its partnership with Kanawha County Schools will continue…. Current plans call for the WVSO to return Feb. 6, 2021, with its pops series and ‘Harry Potter versus Star Wars.’ That show originally was scheduled for Feb. 27, 2021. In the meantime, the symphony is exploring other programming options, such as live streaming [to] allow at least some symphony players to earn an income…. ‘We’re having ongoing discussions with the musicians union and trying to come up with some ideas,’ marketing director Amanda McDonald said.”